At the heart of LEARN lies a commitment to improving the quality of life of the global population by being a catalyst for education innovation and reform.


The mission of LEARN is to empower learners, educators, and policymakers by providing them with groundbreaking knowledge, state-of-the-art technologies, and creative solutions.

LEARN will create a platform that unites the world's brightest minds in education, fostering collaboration, and inspiring positive change in the sector.

The inaugural LEARN in 2024 will take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the largest education market in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region and the scene of ambitious education initiatives, reforms, and advancements.
LEARN Key Drivers

LEARN will bring together best-in-class global educators and global education community to develop strong learning foundations and share ideas to drive innovation in learning globally.

LEARN’s key drivers are:
  • Global Education Transformation
  • International Collaboration in the Sector
  • Empowering Educators to Improve the Quality of Education
  • Support National Education Agendas
  • Establish Effective International Industry Partnerships
  • Prepare the Future Workforce
  • Address the Equity and Inclusion Challenges in Education Worldwide
  • Achieve Long-Term Industry Impact 


What’s On?

LEARN will serve as a platform that fosters international collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and innovation in the education sector. The event is positioned as a conduit via which the world’s visionaries, policy makers, innovators, investors, and academics meet to solve the educational problems they face.

LEARN’s audience will comprise senior decision makers from regional and international educational institutions and senior representatives from government ministries, sector investors, industry suppliers and technology providers, NGOs and service providers to the industry.

The event will deliver two days of dynamic learning, high-energy meetings and networking and an exhibition featuring innovative education technologies, products, and services.

About Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is expected to lead the GCC as the largest education market between 2022 and 2027, with an estimated $50 billion allocated for the sector in 2023!

Saudi Arabia is a nation with a rapidly developing economy and a growing population and places significant emphasis on investing in education as a key component of its long-term development strategy. Education is a top priority in Saudi Arabia, and the government has committed substantial resources to develop a world-class education system.
As part of the ambitious Vision 2030 plan, Saudi Arabia aims to transform its economy and society by diversifying away from oil dependency, with education playing a significant role in this transformation.

Saudi Vision 2030 

Saudi Vision 2030 is a bold and strategic framework aimed at transforming the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia into a knowledge-based economy. Central to this vision is the transformation of the education sector, with initiatives designed to unlock the full potential of the nation’s human capital. 

Under Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia is reimagining education through innovative policies, cutting-edge technology, and world-class educational standards. The goal is to cultivate a vibrant society with robust educational foundations, fostering talents and skills that align with the needs of the future job market. 

With substantial investments, the Kingdom is rapidly developing its educational infrastructure and programs to nurture creativity, critical thinking, and leadership among its youth. This commitment reflects in the quality of education, research excellence, and international collaborations, setting a new benchmark for educational excellence in the region. 

The LEARN conference is a testament to Saudi Arabia’s dedication to becoming a global education hub. It is an active platform for international dialogue, sharing best practices, and forging partnerships that resonate with the goals of Vision 2030, ensuring that the Kingdom’s educational journey continues to contribute to its ambitious and transformative goals. 

About LEARN Organisers

Located in London and Riyadh the LEARN team specializes in delivering business events for both governmental and corporate sectors. Our team excels at uniting business communities and has a deep commitment to education excellence.

We have significant experience in delivering high quality events for the education sector around the world, have strong cross-sector event expertise in Saudi Arabia and experienced content producers within our team to deliver a best-in-class global education event in Riyadh.

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