Hassan Alshareef (5)
Dar Mauritanie
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Filmmaker, Cultural Trainer, UNESCO Expert

Born on July 27, 1971, he began his involvement in the cultural field in the 1980s. He founded the satirical newspaper "Echtary," which became well-known in Mauritania.

He studied cinema at EICAR in Paris and returned in 2002 to establish the Maison des Cinéastes, dedicated to film training, distribution, and production.

He is a member of several African, Arab, and international cultural organizations and has served as a jury member at dozens of international festivals.

He led the Al-Mawrid Al-Thaqafi institution for six years and the Arterial Network in North Africa for three years.

He has written and directed numerous plays and films and conducted several studies on cultural issues.

Currently, he serves as the director of DAR Mauritania and is an expert for UNESCO on the topic of "diversity of cultural expression."

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