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Education Advisor
Sharjah Private Education Authority


Dr. Hunada Kanbar holds a PhD from the University of Sharjah and is currently serving as the Education Advisor to the Director of the Sharjah Private Education Authority. She was the founding Chief Learning Officer and Assistant Professor for Sharjah Education Academy. Her extensive experience spans 25 years and five countries (USA, Canada, UK, UAE, and KSA). Dr. Hunada has held various positions, including Change Management Advisor, School Improvement Advisor, Educational Consultant, Efficacy Reviewer, and Associate School Inspector.


Explore how global education and modern skills development prepare students to succeed in an interconnected world, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and adaptability for the future workforce.

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Education Advisor
مستشار التعليم



The session highlights the role of King Khalid Military College in shaping leadership qualities through systematic military education. It focuses on the approach the college takes to foster leadership development by integrating lifelong learning strategies with tactical military skills, strategic thinking, ethical decision-making, and personal growth.


How artificial intelligence can enhance education and equip students with essential 21st-century skills. This session will provide insights into AI-driven approaches for personalized learning and skill development, preparing educators and students for the evolving demands of the modern world.


This session explores how individuals, through their unique learning journeys, can transform communities into vibrant, supportive spaces that foster both personal development and collective knowledge, ultimately cultivating a culture that sustains continuous learning.