Associate Professor in Literary Crticism
King Abdulaziz University
Frame 38


Associate Professor of Literature and Criticism in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, and Advisor at the University Learning Development Center at King Abdulaziz University. She holds a Master's degree from King Abdulaziz University in Literary Criticism and a PhD from Durham University in the UK in the Philosophy of Comparative Criticism. A researcher in issues of thought, creativity, and philosophy, she is a founding member of the Saudi Philosophy Association and a board member of the Saudi Comparative Literature Association. She has published more than 35 articles, eight studies, and six solo and co-authored books, and has participated in more than 50 local and international conferences and forums on philosophy, culture, and literature.


This session explores introduce philosophy into the curriculum of Saudi Arabian universities.

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Associate Professor in Literary Crticism
أستاذ مشارك في النقد الأدبي



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