World Economic Forum Riyadh Global Shapers Hub
Frame 14


Maha AlAbduljabbar is a youth leader dedicated to driving social impact through innovation. As a Consultant at BCG, she works on transformative projects across various sectors. She earned the distinction of being the only Saudi to receive BCG’s Key to Purpose global award for “Drive Inspired Impact,” recognizing her work in empowering women, protecting children, and supporting global NGOs. As Curator for the WEF’s Riyadh Global Shapers Hub, she champions youth empowerment and cultural exchange, representing the hub at major forums across the globe (e.g., India, China, and Switzerland). Maha’s achievements include attaining two Guinness World Records for raising social awareness and winning the MoS Youth Volunteer Initiative and the UNDP Multilateralism competitions. Her dedication to cultural diplomacy is evident in her research with figures like Dr. Thoraya Obaid, earning recognition at a ceremony patronaged by HH Prince Faisal bin Farhan by leading the attainment of two awards.

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The session highlights the role of King Khalid Military College in shaping leadership qualities through systematic military education. It focuses on the approach the college takes to foster leadership development by integrating lifelong learning strategies with tactical military skills, strategic thinking, ethical decision-making, and personal growth.


The session highlights the role of King Khalid Military College in shaping leadership qualities through systematic military education. It focuses on the approach the college takes to foster leadership development by integrating lifelong learning strategies with tactical military skills, strategic thinking, ethical decision-making, and personal growth.