Terms of Service

Delegate Terms & Conditions

These Terms set out the terms agreed between You and LEARN Events Ltd on which a Delegate may attend an Event (defined below). Please read these Terms carefully as they contain important information. 

1. Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 In these Terms, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings. Less frequently used terms are defined within the body of these Terms: 

Affiliate” means any company, partnership or other entity which at any time directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with either party including as a subsidiary, parent or holding company; 

Booking” means an application for Your Delegates to attend an Event made by You to LEARN in accordance with clause 2.2; 

Confidential Information” means any information, disclosed by a party to the other party, in relation to an Order, which is designated as confidential, commercially sensitive, or confidential in nature; 

Confirmation” means LEARN’s written confirmation of acceptance of a Booking; 

Delegate(s)” means the person(s) representing You at the Event; 

Event” means an award’s ceremony, exhibition, conference or other event to be held by LEARN in respect of which You are submitting a Booking ; 

Fee” means the total sum payable by You to LEARN as specified in the Booking, and fee will be collected by ADD; 

Order” means a booking for a Delegate place made by You to LEARN by submitting a Booking and confirmed by LEARN with a Confirmation; 

LEARN” means the entity identified in the Order, which will be one of LEARN Events Ltd registered in England no. 15586405 at registered address 7 Princes Square, Harrogate, England, HG1 1ND, whereby LEARN is a subsidiary of Add Enterprise Uthman Ibn Affan Rd, King Salman Neighborhood, Riyadh 12445, Saudi Arabia 

“ADD” means the parent company of LEARN, registered as Add Enterprise at Uthman Ibn Affan Rd, King Salman Neighborhood, Riyadh 12445, Saudi Arabia 

Terms” means these terms and conditions; 

You“, “Your(s)” means the person, firm or company named in the Order as the company wishing to book places for Delegates to attend an Event, including its Delegates. 

1.2 In these Terms, unless the context clearly indicates another intention; 

(a) headings are included for convenience only and references to clauses shall be to clauses of these Terms; 

(b) references to persons include individuals, unincorporated bodies, government entities, companies and corporations; and 

(c) the words “include”, “including”, and “such as” are to be construed as if they were immediately followed by the words “without limitation”. 

2. Basis of Contract

2.1 By submitting a Booking, You agree to be bound by these Terms to the exclusion of all other terms. If You do not agree to be bound by these Terms, then you should not submit a Booking. 

2.2 Your Booking shall be made on a booking form completed in full and signed by You or on Your behalf (or in such other written, electronic or oral form as LEARN in its discretion accepts). 

2.3 Your Booking is an offer to LEARN to attend an Event and a binding contract between You and LEARN will only be formed when a Confirmation is sent by LEARN to You (whether or not it is received) using the contact details provided in the Booking. You should contact LEARN if You have not received Confirmation within five (5) days of Your Booking. LEARN reserves the right in its sole discretion to refuse to accept Your Booking. Your Booking and the Confirmation shall together (also referred to as the Order) constitute a binding contract between You and LEARN which shall be subject to these Terms and to any rules and regulations issued from time to time by LEARN in relation to the Event. Please note that in the case of a conflict, the Order shall take precedence over the Booking and these Terms. 

2.4 The person signing the Booking on Your behalf shall be deemed to have full authority to do so and You shall have no right to claim against LEARN that such person or persons did not have such authority. 

2.5 You are jointly and severally liable under these Terms with any agent appointed to make the Booking on Your behalf. 

3. Attendance at the Event

3.1 You must notify LEARN of the names and titles of the Delegates attending the Event at the time of making the Booking. You may send a substitute Delegate to the Event at any time but in all other respects Delegate registrations are issued for personal use only and cannot be shared with any person during the Event. You may not make Delegate registrations as agent for any third party or sell or otherwise transfer a registration to others, or exploit a registration commercially or non-commercially in any way. 

3.2 Where tickets/admission documents for the Event are posted to You, the risk in the goods shall pass to You upon the items being posted out to the contact address provided on the Booking. 

3.3 The details of the Event shown in any material supplied by LEARN to You are correct at the time of printing but You shall be responsible for checking with LEARN that no alterations have been made. 

3.4 You shall at all times comply with any rules, policies and procedures of the venue of the Event, including all health and safety policies and procedures and all reasonable instructions of the venue staff and LEARN representatives at the Event. LEARN reserves the right in its absolute discretion to exclude or remove from the Event any Delegate whose presence in LEARN’s opinion is or is likely to be undesirable without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to LEARN. 

4. Payment

4.1 The Fee shall be payable by You to ADD in full and in cleared funds into ADD’s nominated bank account immediately from the date of LEARN’s invoice and in any event, no later than 24 hours before the Event. 

4.2 The Fee is stated exclusive of any sales tax, which will be due at the prescribed rate as at the date of the invoice. 

4.3 If payment of the Fee in full is not received before the Event, LEARN may (at its sole discretion) either require such payment as a condition of Your entry to the Event or refuse You entry to the Event. No refunds of any proportion of the Fee paid (if any) will be made and any balance of the Fee will remain due and payable where entry to an Event is refused under this clause 4.3. 

4.4 Debt recovery costs and interest on overdue invoices shall accrue on any unpaid amounts from the date when payment becomes due to the maximum extent permitted by The Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and Late Payment of Commercial Debt Regulations 2002 as amended, extended, consolidated or replaced from time to time or other similar laws that may be applicable. 

5. Cancellation

5.1 LEARN may (at its sole discretion) suspend the Event, change the date and/or venue for the Event for any reason and if You are able to attend the revised Event, these Terms shall continue to apply. If You promptly notify LEARN in writing before the date of the Event that You do not wish to attend the re-arranged Event LEARN shall reimburse the Fee to You. LEARN shall have no other liability to You. 

5.2 LEARN may (at its sole discretion) cancel an Event at any time for any reason and shall in such event reimburse the Fee to You. LEARN shall have no other liability to You. 

5.3 If You wish to cancel an Order You shall notify LEARN in writing prior to the Event. You will be required to pay LEARN the Fee in full for the cancelled Order. LEARN shall be under no obligation to reimburse all or part of such charges, even in the event that LEARN resells the cancelled attendance spaces after such cancellation by You. You may send a substitute Delegate to the Event at any time 

5.4 In the event that You have paid in excess of the sums due to LEARN for a cancellation as set out in clauses 5.3 or 5.4 above, LEARN will calculate and pay any refund sum which may be due to You within thirty (30) days of receipt of Your cancellation notice. 

6. Termination

6.1 LEARN shall have the right to terminate any Order and/or any agreement between LEARN and You to which these Terms apply by notice to You if You: 

(a) fail to make any payment due to LEARN by the due dates specified in these Terms; or 

(b) are in breach of these Terms or You fail to comply with any material obligations or warranties under any agreement between the parties to which these Terms apply and in either case You do not remedy the same (if capable of being remedied) within three (3) days of receipt of notice in writing from LEARN specifying the breach or failure and calling for the same to be remedied; or 

(c) compound or make arrangements with Your creditors or become insolvent or if any order is made or resolution passed for Your liquidation, winding up or dissolution or if a receiver or manager or administrative receiver or administrator is appointed over the whole or a substantial part of Your assets or of anything analogous to or having substantially similar effect of any such events shall occur under the laws of any applicable jurisdiction. 

6.2 Termination in accordance with clause 6.1 shall be treated as a cancellation by You and you will be required to pay the cancellation sums specified in clauses 5.3 or 5.4 (as appropriate). 

7. Indemnity

You shall defend, indemnify and hold LEARN harmless from and against all costs, claims, demands, proceedings, liability, losses and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) whatsoever made against or incurred by LEARN as a result of, related to or arising in connection with (a) a breach of these Terms by You, and/or (b) any acts or defaults of You, Your employees or agents in connection with the Event.

8. Exclusion of Liability

8.1 To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, LEARN excludes: (a) all liability for loss, injury or damage to persons or property at the Event; (b) all indemnities, warranties, representations, terms and conditions (whether express or implied); and (c) any actual or alleged indirect loss or consequential loss howsoever arising suffered by You, or any loss of profits, anticipated profits, savings, loss of business revenue, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, or any other type of economic loss (whether direct or indirect). If LEARN is liable to You for any reason, LEARN’s total liability under these Terms or otherwise in relation to the Event is limited to the amount of the Fee received by LEARN. 

8.2 Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or restrict either party’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of that party or its employees while acting in the course of their employment. 

9. Confidentiality

9.1 Each party will ensure that it: 

(a) keeps the Confidential Information confidential and does not disclose it to any third party; and 

(b) only uses Confidential Information in relation to the Order unless otherwise permitted by these Terms. 

9.2 The commitments in clause 9.1 above do not apply to any Confidential Information which was: 

(a) publicly available before the Order or subsequently becomes publicly available through no failure to comply with the Order; 

(b) already known to a party or is subsequently legitimately disclosed to a party by a third party without legal restriction; or 

(c) developed independently by a party without use of or reliance on the Confidential Information received under the Order. 

9.3 A party may disclose the Confidential Information: 

(a) to its Affiliates, agents, contractors and suppliers, provided that: (i) those third parties have entered into non-disclosure agreements no less onerous than as set out in these Terms; and (ii) the party disclosing Confidential Information to those third parties ensures and is liable for their compliance with these Terms; and 

(b) where and to the extent required by applicable law, provided prompt written notice of that requirement is given to the original discloser (where such notice is lawful). 

9.4 All Confidential Information disclosed by a party or its Affiliates remains the property of the discloser. Each party must return or, if clearly instructed by the other party, destroy that received Confidential Information remaining in its or its Affiliates’ possession or control, within thirty (30) days of written request from the other party. Confidential Information may be retained to the limited extent required as part of securely-held confidential records to be used only to determine and/or comply with legal obligations (including secure electronic backups of these records, which may only be used to replace the permitted records if lost or corrupted). 

10. Data Protection & Privacy

10.1 Each party shall comply with all the obligations of applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679); the Data Protection Act 2018; the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC (as updated by Directive 2009/136/EC) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) as amended (“DP Legislation”) imposed on independent Data Controllers under the DP Legislation, including prompt notification of any potential or actual breach of these obligations. Both parties will always use appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect any of the other party’s Personal Data that is held as part of the Services against loss or unauthorised use or access. Capitalised terms used in this clause 10.1 have the meanings given in the DP Legislation in force at the time. 

10.2 You understand and acknowledge that to the extent the data submitted by You in connection with a Booking amounts to personal information, such personal information will be processed in accordance with the requirements of applicable data protection laws and LEARN’s privacy policy. For further information, please read LEARN’s privacy notice, which can be found at https://learn-events.com/privacy-policy/. 

11. General

11.1 Neither party shall be liable to the other in respect of any non-performance of its obligations by reason of any act of God, civil war or strife, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), act of foreign enemy, invasion, war, rebellion, terrorism, strikes, lockouts or other industrial disputes or actions, breakdown of facilities, legal enactment, governmental order or regulation, epidemic, pandemic or other natural disaster or any other cause beyond their respective control provided always that in any such event the duration of the agreement between the parties shall be extended over which such event continues. 

11.2 If any provision of these Terms is found by any court or competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that provision shall be deemed not to be a part of these Terms and this shall not affect the enforceability of the remainder of these Terms nor shall it affect the validity, lawfulness or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction. 

11.3 The terms of these Terms shall not be enforceable by a third party (as defined in the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (the “Act”)) under the provisions of the Act. 

11.4 You may not assign or transfer any rights or obligations under these Terms to any third party without LEARN’s prior written consent. 

11.5 LEARN may assign, transfer or novate these Terms and the rights and obligations under it to any other party at any time and shall inform You thereof in writing within a reasonable time thereafter. 

11.6 Any notice or other information to be given by either party under these Terms shall be made by first class prepaid mail (if sent from and to an address within the UK) and first class prepaid airmail (if international) to the address above or to an address or e-mail address supplied, by LEARN or You (as applicable) for the such purpose, and shall be deemed to have been communicated two (2) business days after posting, if sent by first class mail, five (5) business days after posting if sent by airmail and on the next business day, if sent by e-mail. 

11.7 No waiver or any breach of any of these Terms shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and no waiver shall be effective unless in writing. 

11.8 No term or provision in these Terms shall be varied or modified unless agreed in writing and signed by the parties. 

11.9 These Terms together with any other document incorporating these Terms shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the parties in relation to its subject matter. 

11.10 The parties acknowledge and agree that they have not relied on and shall have no right of action in respect of any representation, warranty or promise except as expressly provided in these Terms and for such representation, warranty or promises made fraudulently and all conditions, warranties or other terms implied by statute or common law are by these Terms excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. 

11.11 Each party shall comply with all applicable laws, codes and regulations relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption. 

11.12 These Terms and any agreement to which these Terms apply shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts, without regard to conflict of laws rules. For any dispute under this Agreement, any claim (including, but not limited to any claim for injunctive or monetary relief) will be brought only in English Courts, and neither You nor LEARN will object to the exercise of personal jurisdiction by such court.